
Stainless Steel Tattoo Foot Pedal Switch for power supply

Similar copies of this product are much lighter. You can also tell the difference by the copper cord. They have a flimsy cord (LESS COPPER!), prone to shorting out. The power supply should have a thick solid insulated copper round cord, not the skinny cord with a line split down the middle. Also, the cheaper cord is much more difficult to clean. If you buy the other, you will know what we are talking about when you get it! Heavy stainless steel base, not like cheap plastic imitations. Reliable and heavy duty. The heavy weight insures that it won't slide around like standard pedals. Quality raised button/switch; other copies have recessed pedals or pedals that are even with the base, making it hard to press.

Product details:

Weight: Approximately 1.5lb.

Diameter: Approx. 3.5" (8.8cm.)

Material: Stainless steel base

Rubber anti-slip grip pad on bottom


